Want to release your creative genius?
Well get designing because this month EFKayun.com is holding a design competition to redesign this website’s logo.
The brief
- The logo needs to be w:345 x h:80 in JPG or GIF format.
- The logo must not exceed a file size of 30kb
- The logo must incorporate the EF English First logo
- It must also contain the text “EF Kayun”.
- The logo must not have any other promotional text or containing advertising
The theme should try to incorporate: Indonesia, education, learning, English and creativity.
The competition
- The deadline for submitting entries is 19:30 (wib), Friday 29th August 2008.
- The winners will have their design displayed on EFKayun.com and receive EF English First Surabaya merchandise.
- The top prize winner will have a dedicated post created on EFKayun.com as well as a feature interview and an opportunity to showcase their work on this site.
- The winners will be announced on this website at the end of the competition period.
- Entrants do not have to be EF English First Indonesia students.
- All work submitted will become the property of EF English First Kayun.
- Information
9 blogger komat-kamit:
akhirnya pertamaxxxxx :)
bang, Panda gag jadi ikutan kontes peran blogger
yah walaupun bahasa inggris namun saya sedikit mengerti, hehehe...
Merdeka Indonesiaku!!!
errrrr....oom antown ikutan gak??
@panda: selamat deh dapat pertamax!! yaah gak ikutan ya? hihiih, gpp deh. makasih dah mampir lagi
@cisthouse: merdeka jugak (minimal masih semangat)
@rezki: belom tahu nih khie..., cari waktu yang pas
semoga menang om!!
@anang: amieen..., semoga saya ikut (lho?)
ayo,,,, semuanya ikutan yah, biar lebih seru banyak saingan, walaupun ga da hadiah yang istimewa, hiks,,,
kenapa logo harus ganti??
bosen kali ya....
padahal dah bagus gitu.
saya doakan mas antown berhasil memenangkan kompetisinya...ayo majuuuu!! :D
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